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Exposé Online

Not just outside the box, but denying the existence of boxes.
Covering music from the fringes since 1993.

Available online from Issue 20

October 2000

92 Pages

NEARfest 2000, Yes Masterworks Tour, Moe. in Portland, Annbjorg Lien, Amy Denio, Peter Hammill, Rascal Reporters, Vidna Obmana, Thierry Zaboitzeff, Brainworks Label, The Golden Age of Eurock

Showing items 1 to 20 of 141

Folk Music Has No Borders —
The Annbørg Lien Interview

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The hardanger fiddle is sometimes called Norway's national instrument. I don't know if that designation is official or not, but certainly, of all the instruments played in Norwegian folk music, the hardanger is special.

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(Posted by Jon Davis 2000-10-01)

I'll See Your Kenso and Raise a Banco —
LA's Progfest 2000

Cover art 2000 is the year that Progfest moved back to LA, and back under the stewardship of its founders Greg Walker and David Overstreet. The seeds for its return were no doubt planted in '99 when Banco's appearance at the "International Progressive Music Festival (formerly Progfest)" was cancelled after it was already announced. Many had planned on attending and purchased tickets based solely on the Italian legends' playing that weekend. I hope that if another IPMF happens in SF that some better judgement will prevail in that regard, although promoter Shawn Ahearn must be given credit for getting Magma over here for the first time in over 25 years, and giving Bondage Fruit their American debut.  » Read more
(Posted by Peter Thelen 2000-10-01)

Trampled Underfoot —
The John Paul Jones Interview

Cover art Exposé caught up with John Paul Jones, accomplished bassist and keyboardist with Led Zeppelin in support of his live tour for Zooma, his first DGM release. Jones wore many hats in his Zep days as well as since those golden money making years. Since his last appearance with Page and Plant at the Princes Trust in the early nineties, he's expanded his resume by doing arrangements for artists as well known as REM and unknown as Elephant Ride. Somehow during this interim, it became clear that the man had his own musical statement and identity to put forward. Just how to do it was part of the question set I passed by the very friendly Englishman late last fall [2000].  » Read more
(Posted by Jeff Melton 2000-10-01)

4/3 de Trio - Faiblesse

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With the new King Crimson album, Construkction of Light, entering the New Millennium with an atomic bang, pretty much blowing King Crimson wannabes out of the water and retaking the Land...

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(Posted by David Bischoff 2000-10-01)

801 - 801 Live

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Flashback to 1976 and one of the best "one-off" live units ever. Phil Manzanera and Brian Eno convened a special line-up to present live versions of recent solo material (Diamond...

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(Posted by Jeff Melton 2000-10-01)

Action Dreamer - In the Hole Studio

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Action Dreamer is described on the sleeve as 'Alternative Music for Wondering Minds.' The alternative tag could stick since these songs are definitely not like anything you've likely...

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(Posted by Paul Hightower 2000-10-01)

Alan Davey - Chaos Delight

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Alan “The Elf” Davey offers up his second solo outing. Like Dave Brock, the former Hawkwind bass player prefers to do it all himself; so you’ve got all instruments, engineering,...

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(Posted by Dane Carlson 2000-10-01)

Alexander "Skip" Spence - Oar

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A founding member of both Jefferson Airplane (on drums) and Moby Grape (guitar, vocals), Spence is undoubtedly one of the most important, and most charismatic, figures of the San Francisco...

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(Posted by Steve Robey 2000-10-01)

Annbjørg Lien - Baba Yaga

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The Hardanger fiddle of Norway is traditionally played as a solo instrument, but Annbjørg Lien, one of the more famous exponents of the instrument, here presents it in the setting of an...

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(Posted by Jon Davis 2000-10-01)

Attila & Dave Project - Lifeline

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It’s a fact that some bands go well out of convenience’s way to sound ‘vintage’ —case in point, Lifeline. Listening to most of this latest release by this SF...

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(Posted by Peter Thelen 2000-10-01)

Azigza - Azigza

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Azigza's moving intermission performance was one of the surprises of last year's Progfest. The San Francisco septet thoroughly entranced a virgin audience with its lush, ethnic-tinged...

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(Posted by Rob Walker 2000-10-01)

Azigza - Azigza

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Finally, the debut album by San Francisco bay area ethnic / rock / fusionists is available, fusing together two demo EPs, "...Whose Portals Are Night and Day" and "Lake of...

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(Posted by Mike McLatchey 2000-10-01)

Azigza - Azigza

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Featuring a seven-piece lineup of electric guitars, bass / sitar, violin / viola / cello, female voice, and no less than three percussionists playing a variety of ethnic instruments, Azigza,...

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(Posted by Peter Thelen 2000-10-01)

Banco del Mutuo Soccorso - Banco

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A CD reissue of Banco’s self-titled English album has been long sought after by fans of the band, and in 1999 the Japanese Victor label came through in spades. This mini-LP gatefold reissue...

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(Posted by Sean McFee 2000-10-01)

Bill Rieflin - Birth of a Giant & Rieflin / Fripp / Gunn - The Repercussions of Angelic Behavior

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For most of us not up on the hip, modern pop world, Bill Rieflin was the drummer for Ministry, a type of gothic downer band known for their stark imagery. What you probably wouldn't suspect is...

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(Posted by Jeff Melton 2000-10-01)

Bondage Fruit - Selected

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Last year's opening band at the International Festival of Music (previously known as Progfest), was Bondage Fruit, a captivating seven-piece group from Japan. Selected is a cross...

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(Posted by Jeff Melton 2000-10-01)

Boot - Virvla

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One of the things that’s often struck me is how “ancient” much of the folk music from Sweden, Norway, and Finland sounds. Melodies have a modal sound to them much like Medieval...

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(Posted by Jon Davis 2000-10-01)

Brand X - The X-Files: A 20 Year Retrospective

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The first four Brand X albums set a standard for fusion that still exists more than 20 years later. Unfortunately, many of the albums that followed didn’t measure up to the band’s...

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(Posted by David Ashcraft 2000-10-01)

Buckethead - Monsters and Robots

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For readers of superhero comics, the Origin issue was always a treat. How did Radioman develop the ability to project radio waves from his eyes? How did Buckethead get his name and strange persona?...

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(Posted by Jon Davis 2000-10-01)

Carl Weingarten - Living in the Distant Present

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Although there is Windfalls, a collaboration with Gale Ormiston that pre-dates this by a couple years, this is Weingarten’s first solo album — heretofore available only on...

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(Posted by Peter Thelen 2000-10-01)

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