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Dirk Serries — At Future Dawn
(cloudchamber.net CC47, 2024, CD / DL)

by Peter Thelen, Published 2024-07-12

At Future Dawn Cover art

Dirk Serries has long been known (under his own name and monikers Fear Falls Burning, and VidnaObmana before that) for making absolutely mind-shattering ambient music using primarily electric guitar and associated effects. It may not sound like that on first listen, but he has a way of coaxing sounds out of his guitar that one wouldn’t expect, capably twisting in the wind like fragments of iron and steel, burning and melting, finding chaos and disorder where one would least expect it. At Future Dawn presents six cuts of varying duration, whirling and spinning with abandon down dark and grizzly corridors of monochrome madness, finding a nightmare around every corner, wondering how this beautiful dream ever turned into such a cauldron of formless bedlam, but it did. Each of these stand-alone pieces drives home a flood of emotion and mangled asymmetry as it releases an epic of astonishing patterns that follow no predictable order beyond that which is never predicted. At times the entire wall of sound stretches and falls into a darkened shadow where all tones bend together, stretching up and stretching down, with strange sounds coming out of the darkness in order to make themselves heard, like ghosts of a flock of pterodactyls lost in time. How does Serries create these strange organic flows? one might ask, but since he has been at his craft as long as many of us have been alive, it might be better to let him keep that secret and just enjoy what has been offered as it is presented, like the gnarled and knotty images on the ancient cave wall that is opened before you. It is natural beauty, it is art, it is the purity of existence in its most open and resplendent form; open your mind and allow it all to come in, immerse yourself in whatever it is that washes over you as it seeks to open new portals above and below for further exploration.

Filed under: New releases, 2024 releases

Related artist(s): Dirk Serries / Vidna Obmana / Fear Falls Burning

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