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Circu5 — Clockwork Tulpa
((Not on label) no#, 2025, CD / DL)

by Jon Davis, Published 2025-03-29

Clockwork Tulpa Cover art

Circu5 is a relatively new band, another entry into the area of melodic prog-inflected rock. Their music isn’t based around lengthy epics or vintage keyboards, but there are enough proggy touches to appeal to prog listeners. And presumably, for listeners outside the prog world, Circu5 can be related to other rock bands that don’t lean on metal but really know how to play. The name is pronounced “Circa Five,” if you’re interested, and it started as a solo project of guitarist and songwriter Steve Tilling. Mark Kilminster (bass, vocals) and Lee Moulding (drums, vocals) worked out so well that it became a real band, and Clockwork Tulpa is their second release, following a self-titled album in 2017. Tilling is a strong singer, and the backing vocals are excellent throughout. His writing is also good, with good melodies and interesting arrangements full of variety and changes. One of the first comparisons that comes to mind is the work of Randy McStine and Marco Minnemann, with the same kind of skill and quality in a similar sonic vein. I also get occasional flashes of Mike Keneally’s more rock-oriented work. The guitar work isn’t especially shreddy, but does exhibit a lot of variety in tones and chord choices. Bass and drums are tight and right on the money without sounding mechanical or show-offish. This album consists of ten memorable songs (plus a bonus acoustic version of one) that are worthy of attention — they’ve certainly made my playlist. Circu5 has come up with a tasty synthesis of the rock of the 80s, 90s, and 00s, presented with impeccable musicianship.

Filed under: New releases, 2025 releases

Related artist(s): Circu5

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