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ZoneM — Sono dentro di Me
(Nadir Music NDR.0065, 2022, CD)

by Henry Schneider, Published 2023-01-31

Sono dentro di Me Cover art

ZoneM is an Italian experimental progressive rock band that just released their debut album, Sono dentro di Me, the personal project by Beppi Menozzi with collaborations from other players in the Italian progressive, jazz, and heavy rock scene. Sono dentro di Me, Italian for I’m Inside Me, is an unsettling album with a fascination with HP Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. The sixteen tracks, pretty evenly divided between instrumentals and songs, rely on dissonance, synths, and percussion to convey Menozzi's and ZoneM’s unique musical vision. At times I am reminded of Peter Frohmader’s dark percussive compositions, especially on “Cospriazione” and “Merrick.” Besides the obvious Lovecraftian elements, there is also an instrumental track, “Peshtigo,” about the worst recorded forest fire in North America that destroyed the Peshtigo, Wisconsin community and ended thousands of lives on October 8, 1871. The track is six minutes of dark progressive rock that culminates in the fires of hell consuming the community accomplanied by alarms and screams. This is one disturbing album that does contain some moments of beauty that rapidly descend to the nether realms. The album closes with three short instrumental tracks “Proci (Bestia Part 5)” for43 seconds, the title track for 43 seconds, and “Saigon” for 53 seconds. These final tracks are puzzling, especially the demonic voices on “Sono dentro di Me,” which I don’t understand at all, which is compounded by the Italian lyrics and booklet. The compositions are well constructed and performed. Recommended if you are a fan of weird and disturbing avant garde progressive music.

Filed under: New releases, 2022 releases

Related artist(s): ZoneM


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