The Chemistry Set — Elapsed Memories
(Fruits de Mer Winkle 18, 2014, 7")
by Henry Schneider,
Published 2014-12-02

Hot on the heels of their reworking of Love’s classics for FdM’s
7 and 7 Is box set, The Chemistry Set have a three-track seven-inch on FdM. This new slab of vinyl features two unreleased original songs, “Elapsed Memories” and “A Cure for the Inflicted Afflicted,” along with a cover of Jimi Hendrix’ “Love or Confusion.” “Elapsed Memories” opens with a harp and cathedral organ intro that morphs into contemporary prog-psych with trippy vocals. This song grabs you by the throat and will not let go with its strong orchestration. “A Cure for the Inflicted Afflicted” is another outstanding rocker with a bit of West Coast psych. For some obscure reason I think of the Airplane’s “Plastic Fantastic Lover” when I listen to this song, but that may just be me. The closing track is a superb cover of this classic Hendrix song. Do not expect an attempt to copy Jimi’s guitar pyrotechnics, instead sit back and lose yourself in an excellent raga rock reinterpretation with acoustic guitar, sitar, and tabla. This release may be one of FdM’s strongest and consistent releases to date. And to my ears, The Chemistry Set have upped their game and I wish them success.
Filed under: New releases, 2014 releases
Related artist(s): The Chemistry Set, Paul Lake