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Simon House — Yassasim
(Emergency Broadcast System EBSSCD 115, 1995/1997, CD)

by Dane Carlson, Published 1997-10-01

Yassasim Cover art

For those unfamliar with Simon's past, he was member of Hawkwind for several years (twice), he has toured and played with ex-Hawk Nik Turner and fronted his own "ambient" band, Spiral Realms. I would call Simon the master of space violin — he has constantly proven he can shred as well as take off into the world of deep space. If you know of his Spiral Realms releases, Yassasim is a bit different. Where Spiral Realms is space music with bursts of Simon's trademark violin, Yassasim is more of a spacy violin explosion. Lots of electronic wizardry on this album; from the first moments of the title track you know this is going to be good. I am a sucker for this type of music, good instrumental space rock. This isn't ambient noodling, there's some wicked stuff going on here, at times intense. Simon balances it out with some electronic space, but basically this album moves right along. House is the man on this one, it's just him, his violin, his keyboards, and a computer. This CD was released by Griffin a few years ago and has since been picked up by Hawkwind's own EBS label. If nasty, spacy violin fronted music appeals to you, buy this ASAP. It shreds. He is supposed to be working on a new album, and I for one cannot wait.

Filed under: Reissues, Issue 13, 1997 releases, 1995 recordings

Related artist(s): Simon House


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