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Ron Caines / Martin Archer Axis — Practical Dreamers
(Discus Music 178CD, 2024, CD / DL)

by Peter Thelen, Published 2024-09-13

Practical Dreamers Cover art

Quite often the processes by which music is created are at least as interesting as the music itself, and this is one of those cases. Martin Archer is of course a part owner of the label Discus Music, which publishes the works of his many projects, including solo albums and collaborations, Orchestra of the Upper Atmosphere, and many others; here Archer composes, plays flute, harmonica, Bb and bass clarinet, electronics, tuned percussion, and more. Ron Caines is probably best known as a founding member of the band East of Eden back in the late 60s, and was involved with that band on and off throughout their career, although he’s been involved in other projects, and most recently as a member the Ron Caines / Martin Archer Axis; on this recording (their fifth if I’m counting correctly) Caines plays alto and soprano sax. Other players include Laura Cole (piano), Herve Perez (laptop and sound processing), Anton Hunter (electric guitar and electronics), Johnny Hunter (drums), Michael Bardon (cello), and Gus Garside (double bass). Practical Dreamers is a suite in seven parts; each part began with a compositional structure by Archer with realtime responses created and performed by Perez — together they provide a live improvising environment for all the other players. Double bass and drum parts were created by discussion with thoise players, though some of the drum parts were later processed and modified by Perez. Other players added their parts at several different sessions, and Caines’ melodies and improvisations were added near the end of the process in response to what the other players had already created. And what does it sound like? Caines’ saxes are most prominent throughout, but on close listen all of the other instrumentalists can be heard, the bass and drums and electronics all standing out at various points; bass clarinet and guitar tend to get buried in the mix somewhat, with piano making itself heard occasionally. Overall though, the mood is gentle and measured, quite beautiful in fact, and only occasionally rises to anything blustery or chaotic.

Filed under: New releases, 2024 releases

Related artist(s): Martin Archer, Ron Caines

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