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Meer — Wheels within Wheels
(Karisma KAR279, 2024, CD / LP / DL)

by Jon Davis, Published 2024-08-21

Wheels within Wheels Cover art

Meer’s previous release back in 2021 was an outstanding album of music that took artistic independent rock and pop into areas that border on progressive rock. Wheels within Wheels continues their journey with eleven more wonderful tracks. With a lineup that includes two singers (male and female), violin, and viola, in addition to keyboard, bass, drums, and guitar, the group has the range to produce an expansive and intricate sound, and that is one aspect of their identity. The personnel remains intact, and the compositions are credited to the group as a whole. They’ve also invited a few guests on flute, vibraphone, and backing vocals. The album is simply stunning from “Chain of Changes” to “This Is the End,” and every track is wonderful. I can’t praise it enough — this is absolutely a contender for Album of the Year, and something that deserves to be heard everywhere. It’s all amazing, from the lyrics to the compositions and arrangements, full of emotional depth and sincerity but never precious. These songs come across their dramatic impact naturally, by actually investing real emotion and skill into the performances. I’m actually saddened to write this review, because it means I need to set the album aside and listen to whatever’s next in line — and I really just want to listen to Meer a few more times. I might eventually get tired of hearing it, though I rather doubt that.

Filed under: New releases, 2024 releases

Related artist(s): Meer

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