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Kornmo — Vårjevndøgnsnatt
(Apollon Records ARP080, 2024, CD / LP / DL)

by Henry Schneider, Published 2025-01-01

Vårjevndøgnsnatt Cover art

Three years after Kornmo’s previous release Fimbulvinter, they are back with a new concept album called Vårjevndøgnsnatt (Night of the Spring Equinox), based on a story that begins in Ireland and ends in the deep Norwegian forests, spanning four long tracks for roughly 75 minutes of some of the best instrumental progressive rock that you could want. Bucolic acoustic guitar, electric guitar, bass, analog synths, Mellotron, and organ interweave simple riffs that are constantly changing from the melodic to the dissonant. The album kicks off with “Sendebud fra vest” (“Messenger from the West”), a gorgeous melodic instrumental, followed by eerie “Huldras hale” (“Huldra's Tail”) that turns brighter and reminds me of Proud Peasant. The third track is “Den dype skogen” (“The Deep Forest”) with its throbbing bass and distorted guitars that resolves into a beautiful folk melody and ultimately cathedral organ.  The album closes with the twenty one minute “Altets hav, Ly” (“The Sea of ​​Everything, Shelter”) where Kornmo pulls out the stops and alternates between bass, analog synths, doubled guitar lines, simple riffs, sprightly melodies, piano, organ, and acoustic guitar. Drawing inspiration from the early 70s, Kornmo has produced another excellent album.

Filed under: New releases, 2024 releases

Related artist(s): Kornmo

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