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Irnini Mons — Irnini Mons
(Bandcamp Another Record AR96, 2022, LP / DL)

Irnini Mons — Une Habitante Touchée par une Météorite
(Dur et Doux DD075, 2024, CD / LP / DL)

by Jon Davis, Published 2024-09-05

Irnini Mons Cover artUne Habitante Touchée par une Météorite Cover art

Irnini Mons is a French band with an engaging sound that’s a little quirky, very catchy, and full of bouncy energy. Fanny Bouland (drums), Guillaume Carle (bass), Sabrina Duval (guitar), and Valentin Fayaud (guitar) got together in 2021, with all four contributing to the vocals that are one of their trademarks. They made their recorded debut in 2022 with a self-titled EP featuring six songs that show their style fully formed. Sometimes the instrumental backing tracks remind me of early Talking Heads, though the guitars do sometimes get noisier, never really approaching punk, but with an edge of reckless dissonance that offsets the tuneful vocals perfectly. The four voices appear in various combinations, sometimes in harmony and sometimes in polyphonic lines that fit together and complement each other. All the lyrics are in French, and I haven’t spent any time trying to decipher them beyond the titles. “En Solitaire” is frenetic enough to hint at Cardiacs, and “Feu de Joie” has some of the best vocal arrangements. “Montreal” is a real gem, with a thunderous droning background to some lovely singing. Irnini Mons definitely has some factors in common with other Lyon bands, such as a willingness to defy standard song structures and a fondness for complex arrangements, though in a much more accessible way than Pili Coït or Rien Faire, let alone PoiL or Ni. 2024 sees the release of their first full-length album, Une Habitante Touchée par une Météorite, with ten more catchy songs. Stylistically, they’ve continued to hone their craft rather than change anything that wasn’t broken. Tracks like “L’Acteur,” “Glace à l'Italienne,” and “Elis Police” balance melodicism with grit in a tasty way. Call it Art Rock or Post Punk or whatever you like, but Irnini Mons has hit upon a winning formula. “T'as pas Peur” brings up the Talking Heads reference strongly, with the two guitars playing parts that bounce off each other in shifting ways while the bass and drums stomp out an insistent rhythm. “Toi Là” adds a piano to the mix, though it’s not credited, and guest Amélie Lambert plays flute on one track. It’s a great album, and there’s not a weak track in the bunch. Highly recommended for those looking for a fresh sound in intelligent rock music.

Filed under: New releases, 2022 releases, 2024 releases

Related artist(s): Irnini Mons

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