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Foncedalle — Foncedalle
(Bandcamp EXAG Records XAG052, 2024, CD / LP / DL)

by Henry Schneider, Published 2024-09-24

Foncedalle Cover art

The French electronic trio of Marius Mermet (guitar and vocals), JD Mimouni (drum machine and synth), and Clément Maltassat (bass, vocals, and synth), collectively known as Foncedalle, released an EP called Traboule in 2021 and then played 40 gigs between 2022 and 2023. Now they have released their full length self-titled debut album, composed during that one-year period. Recorded in two sessions in early 2023, Foncedalle took advantage of their live performances to hone their rock band making electronic music style. The result is a set of eleven tracks with a modern take on Krautrock motorik influences. Floating synth passages interweave with frantic rhythms, loops, shimmering guitars, throbbing bass, and high volume sure to energize people on the dance floor. My favorite Krautrock moments are the opening track “TransU,” “Saint Angiers.” and “KDB.” Then there is the raucous electronic French techno-punk attitude on “Louis II” that blows you away. The last two tracks, “Dayy Club” and “Nightt Club,” are interesting. “Dayy Club” begins as a mellow piece with arpeggiators morphing into dissonance, and “Nightt Club” is the perfect rave piece to close the album. If you enjoy intelligent explorations of rock fused with machines, computers, electronic trance, and melodic flights of fancy, as well as oppressive moments, unbridled chaos, and ethereal passages, then by all means explore Foncedalle’s sonic universe.

Filed under: New releases, 2024 releases

Related artist(s): Foncedalle

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