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Ap Ducal — U
(Bandcamp Weisskalt WK, 2024, DL)

by Jon Davis, Published 2024-07-08

U Cover art

Camilo Palma is an electronic musician from Chile currently based in Berlin who records using the name Ap Ducal. U is a roughly LP-length release consisting of four tracks in the 10 to 14 minute range. To create this music, Palma used a limited set of instruments: two different analog synthesizers, a drum machine, and an electric guitar. In general, he sets up a repeating pattern on a synth, syncs it up with a rather simple drum machine part, and then uses a combination of knob-twiddling and effects on the guitar to build up layers of sound that gradually morph and change tone. The result bears a lot of similarities with some German music of the 70s like Klaus Schulze and Ash Ra Tempel, but has a distinctive flavor. Rather than using a bank of different synths, he concentrates on two and really explores the ranges of sounds they can create. The pieces were created semi-spontaneously (as the liner notes say), and “the majority of the tracks were done in a single take.” This method results in pieces that flow organically from one sound to the next, absent any kind of editing or overdubbing. Synth and drum patterns are set in motion, and then echoing guitar notes are worked in, with no attempts at melodies or solos. Palma handed his recordings off to Sebastian Roman for mixing, and credits Roman as almost an equal participant in the album. The second track, titled “UU,” is especially enjoyable, with an insistent bass sequence in 7 combined with a straight 4/4 drum part. The constantly shifting rhythmic basis combines with sweeping drones and a minimal guitar part to create a very tasty result. This is not music for people looking for a lot to happen, but it works admirably for a listener who can sustain a kind of calm alertness. U is definitely an album that took several listens to click for me, but in the end I’ve come to enjoy it a lot.

Filed under: New releases, 2024 releases

Related artist(s): Ap Ducal (Camilo Palma)

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